Design2Treat Cover

!!! Discontinuation of design2treat sales as of 1.1.2025 and support as of 30.6.2025 !!!

Over several decades, we have provided the programming, various dimensioning adaptations as well as the content training/consulting and technical support for our design2treat dimensioning software.

Various technical difficulties mean that we will no longer be continuing the distribution and support of design2treat in 2025.
IT infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex: the use of single-user installations is in sharp decline, and network licenses are mostly required in virtualized environments. This gives rise to further requirements, such as switching from the licensing of USB dongles to software licensing, which in turn would require far-reaching changes to the program.
In view of the outdated user interface, a fundamental reprogramming for various operating systems would be required, for which there is no expertise is available at the institute and for which there is no economically viable solution to outsource the programming.

We also tried to find a partner who could take over the modernization, further program maintenance and technical support in order to make the program fit for the future.

Unfortunately, this did not lead to success, so we decided to discontinue design2treat sales immediately and support as of June 30, 2025.

In individual cases, we still try to provide support in solving problems during the phase-out phase.
Licenses currently in use can still be used without restriction in Windows 11.